烟草在线据《烟业通讯》报道编译 菲莫国际日前在其网站上发布声明,宣布IMPACT专家委员会已审核来自18个国家涉及公共、私有和学术机构的200多个提案,并在首轮
烟草在线据菲莫国际官网报道 PMI IMPACT是菲莫国际在全球开展的一个新项目,用来支持第三方以各种形式打击非法贸易和腐败、有组织的犯罪网络及洗钱等相关犯罪行为。现在公司对该项
烟草在线据《烟业通讯》报道编译 日本烟草公司的Mevius Impact 1毫克100毫米长卷烟包装将被重新设计,并于11月初在日本全面铺货。
烟草在线据《烟业通讯》报道编译 PMI IMPACT是菲莫国际发起的支持打击非法贸易和相关犯罪的第三方项目。目前在其第二轮融资中,菲莫国际已收到157份投资意向申请。该公司在其
烟在线据扎克斯报道编译 烟草巨头菲莫国际公司采取了一个新举措——“菲莫国际影响”(PMI IMPACT)——目的是打击非法贸易行为。“菲莫国际影响”由7名外聘独立
International is set to launch the second phase of its campaign to increase public awareness of the impact
and exporter of semi-processed leaf, noted that though the reduced foreign income will impact its revenue
the financial impact on individual shops.
It tracks any reduction in the number of packs sold compared
of illicit cigarettes in the country is not expected to have any material impact on the earnings
;s report reviewed the impact of anti-smoking measures since 1991, when legislation was first