5月26日,烟草巨头菲利普莫里斯国际(Philip Morris International, PMI)CEO雅克·奥尔扎克(Jacek Olczak)在接受法新社采访时表示:Stopping the sale of traditional cigarettes will "make Philip Morris look better" but not affect the one billion smokers who can "continue buying a product from somebody else"
因此,与其停售卷烟,他希望:"convince the governments... (to) allow the alternatives and we can start reducing the sale of cigarettes much faster."
英国非政府组织吸烟与健康行动(Action on Smoking and Health, ASH)的负责人黛博拉•阿诺特(Deborah Arnott)告诉法新社,“我们相信含尼古丁的电子烟能够帮助成年吸烟者戒烟,正如世卫组织认可尼古丁替代疗法一样”。然而,Arnott反对PMI大力推广其新产品,“因为他们仍然是烟草产品,PMI的唯一目标是保护其未来的收入流”。
笃行致远 2024中国烟草行业发展观察