Nicotine Nirvana, which has over 50 products registered with the FDA;
FF Vapors, which has over 257,000 registered products with the FDA;
JP & SN Enterprises Inc. d/b/a eCigs International, which has over 4,500 products listed with the FDA;
The Iron Crow, which has 400 products listed with the FDA;
Sema International, which has over 500 products listed with the FDA;
Central Iowa Electronic Cigarettes, which has over 3,400 products listed with the FDA;
High Voltage Vaporz, which has over 600 products registered with the FDA.
收到FDA警告信的公司必须在收到该信后的15个工作日内提交书面答复,说明该公司的纠正措施,包括终止违规销售和/或产品分发的日期。 他们还要求公司制定计划,以在将来保持对《 FD&C法案》的遵守。
笃行致远 2024中国烟草行业发展观察