烟草在线据白俄罗斯资讯办公室报道编译 据国家统计委员会的数据,2013年1月至4月,白俄罗斯价格上涨最高的是当地不带过滤嘴的卷烟品牌。
由于居民收入增长,情况也变得更糟。2013年第一季度,啤酒的进口量比2012年同期增加了38%,烈酒的进口量增加超过30%。人们增加了对更优质酒类产品的需求。由于目前的消费政策减少了国内市场的盈利能力,因此,酒类和烟草产品的生产商被迫关注国外市场。由于国内市场受限,无法扩张,主要的烟草生产商——格罗德诺烟草工厂(Grodno Tobacco Factory),预计在2013年的出口将翻番。
Belarus: Alcohol and Tobacco Manufacturers Will Focus on Foreign Markets
According to the National Statistics Committee, the highest increases in prices in January-April 2013 were prices on local cigarette brands without filter.
In the framework of harmonization of excise policy within the EEA from 1st January 2013, Belarus increased excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol. As a natural result, the sales of alcohol and tobacco products decreased. Belarusian manufacturers of these products, given the reduced domestic market opportunities are forced to look for export options to maintain their production volumes.
As a result of the excise growth, prices on alcohol and tobacco products have increased significantly. Prices on domestic non-filter cigarettes increased by 67.5% in January - April 2013, vodka by 17.4%. Such a significant rise in prices has resulted in reduced sales of alcohol and tobacco products in the domestic market. In Q1 2013 sales of vodka in real terms fell by 9%, and tobacco products - by 1.4% over the same period in 2012.
The situation has also deteriorated due to growth of incomes. Beer imports in Q1 2013 increased by 38% over the same period in 2012, spirits by more than 30%. The population increased demands for better quality alcohol. Therefore, alcohol and tobacco producers are forced to pay attention to foreign markets, since the current excise policy reduces the domestic market's profitability. The main tobacco producer, Grodno Tobacco Factory, expects to double exports in 2013, since domestic market is limited and will not expand.
Thus, excuse duties growth on the one hand forded citizens to reduce alcohol and tobacco consumption and increases budget revenues, but on the other hand reorients local producers towards international markets. Further increase in excise duties may be able to reduce alcohol and tobacco consumption and complement efforts targeting fight against alcoholization of the population - due to increased costs. Enditem
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