烟草在线据《便利店决定》报道编译 受到很多人欢迎,被认为是卷烟业一个新兴威胁的电子卷烟,给吸烟者提供了一个代替以烟草为基础的传统卷烟的替代物。这种以电池操作的装置给使用者提供尼古丁输送装置,呼气的时候有烟出现,用手送到嘴进行吸用与吸烟非常相似,它模仿吸传统卷烟的体验,与此同时,又没有传统烟草产品中发现的很多有害毒物。
据Wells Fargo说,2012年,电子卷烟在零售方面创造了大约3亿美元的销售额。但这个数字预计将呈指数增长——到2013年将增长到10亿美元,且在10年内,其带来的总利润额可与传统卷烟相比。尽管Wells Fargo的数字没有对一次性电子卷烟和可充电式电子卷烟的销售加以区别,但有一件事情是确定的:这种新产品的销售有着无限的机遇。
Wells Fargo的高级市场分析师博尼·赫佐格说:“这是相当新的一类产品,那就是我发现如此令人兴奋的东西。我正在做一些相当大胆的预测。我认为,电子卷烟的消费在未来10年内超过传统卷烟的消费是完全有可能的事情。”
到目前为止,这类产品在2012年4月取得了最大的发展,当时,罗瑞拉德烟草公司通过收购blu ecigs而成为美国三大烟草公司中首个进军电子卷烟业务的公司。雷诺烟草公司在几个月后也加入了这个队伍,在弗吉尼亚和卡罗莱纳的有限试销市场推出了电子卷烟Vuse。英美烟草公司则在2012年12月宣布,它收购了制造Intellicig牌电子卷烟的CN Creative公司。菲莫则再三拒绝讨论自己关于电子卷烟类产品的计划,但鉴于这种产品广受欢迎,可以肯定地说,他们也是电子卷烟销售趋势的热心观察者。
便民店是电子卷烟的天然销售出口。像NJOY Kings和Logic这样的新产品正在赢得越来越多的零售空间。马萨诸塞州洛克蓝的Tedeschi食品商店公司一直在自己的190个商店中的15个试销一次性和充电式电子卷烟品牌,并且也在试销可填充尼古丁液体盒。Tedeschi食品商店公司的采购董事史蒂芬·摩纳哥说:“我相信电子卷烟和雪茄将会在店里停驻下来,并且随着岁月的流逝,将会变得更据优势地位。”
US: Convenience Store Decisions E-Cigarette Use Surging
Hailed by many as an emerging threat to the tobacco cigarette industry, electronic cigarettes have provided smokers with an alternative to traditional tobacco-based smoking. These battery-operated devices simulate the experience of traditional cigarette smoking by supplying the user with a nicotine delivery system, the appearance of smoke upon exhalation and the hand to mouth familiarity of smoking, while remaining free of the many harmful toxins found in traditional tobacco products.
For 2012, according to Wells Fargo, e-cigarette sales generated roughly $300 million at retail. But that number is expected to grow exponentially—developing into a $1 billion category as early as 2013 and offering gross margins comparable to traditional cigarettes, within a decade. While Wells Fargo's figures didn't differentiate between sales of disposable and rechargable e-cigarettes, one thing is for sure: the opportunity for new sales is boundless.
"It's a fairly new category, and that's what I find so exciting," said Bonnie Herzog, senior market analyst at Wells Fargo. "I'm making some pretty big predictions. I think it's possible that consumption of e-cigarettes could surpass that of traditional cigarettes within the next decade."
The category got its biggest boost to date in April 2012 when Lorillard became the first of the big three tobacco companies to leap into the e-cigarette business with its acquisition of blu ecigs. RJ Reynolds joined the fray several months later when it launched e-cigarette Vuse in limited test markets in Virginia and North Carolina. British American Tobacco announced in December that it had purchased CN Creative, which makes the Intellicig e-cigarette brand. Phillip Morris has repeatedly declined to discuss its plans for the e-cigarette category, but given the popularity of the products, it's safe to say they are keen observers of the sales trends.
New Product Excitement
Convenience stores are a natural outlet for e-cigarettes. New products like NJOY Kings and Logic are garnering more and more retail space. Tedeschi Food Shops in Rockland, Mass., has been testing disposable and rechargeable e-cigarette brands at 15 of its 190 stores, and is also testing the refill cartridges. "I believe electronic cigarettes and cigars are here to stay and will become more dominant as the year goes along," said Stephen Monaco, director of purchasing for Tedeschi. Enditem
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