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2013年01月29日 来源:烟草在线据《基辅邮报》报道编译 作者:
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  烟草在线据《基辅邮报》报道编译  帝国烟草乌克兰公司的企业事务主管Yuriy Kyshko称,与2012年的800亿支卷烟相比,2013年乌克兰合法卷烟市场将减少到740至750亿支卷烟。




  帝国烟草乌克兰公司的首席财务官Volodymyr Antypenko说,特恩斯乌克兰公司的分析师按照公司要求开展了一项调查,结果显示,该国的假冒产品消费从2011年10月的4.2%上升到2012年10月的4.4%。此外,根据帝国烟草乌克兰公司的专家评估,假冒产品的市场份额至少已达1%。










Legal Cigarette Market in Ukraine to Continue Narrowing in 2013

  The legal cigarette market in Ukraine in 2013 could reduce to 74-75 billion cigarettes, compared to 80 billion cigarettes in 2012, says the director for corporate issues at Imperial Tobacco Ukraine, Yuriy Kyshko.

  "If the trend of the last year continues, the amount of 74 billion cigarettes does not look like an unreal target," he told reporters in Kyiv last week.

  Kyshko said that last year growth not only in the smuggling of cigarettes, but also in the counterfeiting of cigarettes was seen on the domestic market.

  "There has never been such a high level of counterfeit products on the cigarette market," he said.

  Imperial Tobacco Ukraine CFO Volodymyr Antypenko said that under an order of the company, TNS Ukraine analysts conducted a study, under which counterfeit product consumption in the country grew from 4.2% in October 2011 to 4.4% in October 2012. In addition, according to assessments of Imperial Tobacco Ukraine's experts, the share of the counterfeit products of the market came to at least 1%.

  Antypenko also said that last year some players were involved in price wars on the Ukrainian cigarette market, which were characterized by the fall in the prices of some products by 15-20% in some regions.

  The further increase in the illegal product share of the market this year will be linked to the introduction of new excise duties and changes in the structure of taxes from January 13, 2013, Antypenko said. He said that the company had to increase the prices of its products from the beginning of 2013. The prices of low-price segment cigarettes grew by 10-15%, and the rise in the prices of the high and medium price segments was smaller.

  He said that from January 1, 2013, only Imperial Tobacco Ukraine and Philip Morris Ukraine declared new prices of their products. He believes that the rest of players did not increase prices thanks to the large amount of product stocks or hoping that the law on the increase of excise duties will be not signed by the Ukrainian president.

  Commenting on the influence of the smoke ban at restaurants and bars, which took effect on December 16, 2012 in Ukraine, Antypenko said that the certain negative pace on the market was present, but today it's difficult to say how strongly the requirement impacted cigarette sales.

  As reported, the Ukrainian parliament on November 20, 2012 passed law, increasing excise duties for beer, alcohol and tobacco.

  The document foresees an increase in specific excise rates on non-filter cigarettes, from Hr 49.48 per 1,000 cigarettes to Hr 72.70 per 1,000 cigarettes, and on those with filters from Hr 110.64 per 1,000 to Hr 162.60 per 1,000 cigarettes. In addition, the draft law is to introduce an excise tax on raw tobacco at Hr 217.60 per kg, whereas the current rate is zero.

  The document assumes a reduction in ad valorem rates on non-filter cigarettes from 20% to 12%, and on those with filters from 25% to 12%.

  The document also fixes the minimum excise tax liability for the payment of excise tax on tobacco products at Hr 95.40 per 1,000 non-filter cigarettes and Hr 217.60 per 1,000 cigarettes with filters.

  From January 1, 2014, the specific excise rate on non-filter cigarettes will be set at Hr 77.50 per 1,000 cigarettes, from January 1, 2015, at Hr 82.50 per 1,000 cigarettes, while the specific excise rate on cigarettes with filters will be Hr 173.2 and Hr 184.50 per 1,000 cigarettes respectively. Enditem


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