烟草在线据美联社报道编译 1月9日版的《神经病学杂志》发表的一项研究指出,尼古丁贴膏可以帮助患有早期记忆丧失症的人。范德比尔特大学医学中心的精神病学教授Paul Newhouse博士领导开展了一项研究。这项研究显示,对患有轻度认知损伤——通常是阿尔茨海默病的前兆——的患者使用6个月的尼古丁贴膏进行治疗,对于患者这个年龄的人的长期记忆可以有46%的提高。接受不含尼古丁的贴膏治疗的患者组的记忆,则下降了26%。两组患者都接受了6个月的治疗。
尼古丁只是被称为生物碱的相关化合物族中的一个。同族中的另一种混合物新烟草碱,被星科公司积极地探索用于各种用途,包括作为记忆丧失的辅助药剂。星科公司的子公司Rock Creek制药公司也有一些正在等待批准的专利,这些专利与给新烟草碱治疗神经病症等其他疾病有关。
Star Scientific: Potential Role of Natural Alkaloids in Combatting Memory Loss
Star Scientific, Inc. (NASDAQ: CIGX) - A study released in the January 9th issue of the Journal of Neurology suggests that nicotine patches may help individuals with early memory loss. Dr. Paul Newhouse, a professor of psychiatry at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, led a study which showed that six months of nicotine patch treatment among patients who had mild cognitive impairment - often a precursor to Alzheimer's disease - had a 46% improvement in their long-term memory for their age. The patient group who received a patch without nicotine showed a 26% decline in memory. Both patient groups were treated for six months.
Nicotine is only one of a family of related compounds known as alkaloids. Anatabine, another compound in the same family, has been actively pursued by Star Scientific for a variety of uses, including as a supporter for memory loss. Star Scientific subsidiary Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals also has a number of patents pending that relate to the administration of anatabine for treatment of a variety of neurological conditions, among other things.
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