烟草在线据《烟业通讯》报道编译 帝国烟草集团向一个帮助非洲学校的慈善机构捐赠了300多台电脑显示器和许多激光打印机。
帝国烟草发出此次行动后,非洲IT学校(IT Schools Africa)把这些设备从帝国烟草位于英国布里斯托尔的旧总部办公室运走,并把这些设备分别送到津巴布韦的各所学校中。
Imperial Tobacco Gives Equipment to IT Schools Africa
The Imperial Tobacco Group has donated more than 300 computer monitors and a number of laser printers to a charity that helps schools in Africa.
IT Schools Africa took the equipment away following Imperial's move from its former head office in Bristol, U.K., and has distributed it to schools in Zimbabwe.
Imperial's new global head office has been equipped with new IT equipment, which meant that some of the existing technology was no longer needed.
"Knowing we'd have a large number of monitors available, we wanted to ensure they were put to good use," said Tony Rickard, corporate center IT manager.
"The charity was running an appeal for flat screens for use in schools, which we considered a very valuable re-use of the redundant equipment.
"It is great to know that rather than being disposed of, the equipment is being used for a good cause."
Ron Pearce, of IT Schools Africa, said his charity was very grateful for Imperial's generous support. Enditem
笃行致远 2024中国烟草行业发展观察