烟草在线据beritajakarta.com报道编译 作为雅加达人减少卷烟消费所进行的努力,雅加达省政府准备将卷烟税上调,使之达到目前的卷烟价格的10%。这项计划在已经向雅加达议会提出条例草案中阐明,并将得到讨论而批准成为条例。
雅加达副省长Basuki T Purnama说,将烟税上提到卷烟价格的10%,目的是给人们施加影响,使他们因卷烟价格高而不再购买卷烟。
以前,雅加达税务部领导人Iwan Setiawandi曾透露,目前正在雅加达议会讨论的条例草案中的问题之一,是向进口卷烟及国产卷烟征收的卷烟税。增加的这个卷烟税,是在执行《2009年第28号税收与赔偿法案》中出现的新税种。
Indonesia: Cigarette Tax in Jakarta to Increase 10 Percent
As an effort to reduce cigarette consumption by Jakartans, Jakarta Provincial Government is going to increase the cigarette tax to become 10 percent from current cigarette price. The plan is stated on the bylaw draft which has been proposed to Jakarta Parliament (DPRD), to be discussed and ratified into bylaw.
Vice Jakarta Governor Basuki T Purnama said the 10 percent tax increase on cigarette price is intended to influence the people to no longer buy cigarette due to its high price.
"Cigarette tax is supposed to be higher than other tax, so that people would no longer smoking," he stated, Monday (9/2).
According to Basuki, in 2014, Jakarta Provincial Government would get Rp 400 billion of regional original revenue (PAD) from the 10 percent of tax increase on cigarette price.
"The fund from the cigarette tax besides PAD will be used to finance socialization which related to preventive effort and promotion about the danger of smoking for public health," he explained.
Previously, Head of Jakarta Tax Service Department, Iwan Setiawandi, disclosed that one of the issues in the bylaw draft which currently being discussed by Jakarta Parliament is the cigarette tax to be imposed to import as well as local cigarettes. The additional of this cigarette tax is a new tax in the implementing the Act No. 28/2009 about Tax and Retribution.
"The revenue from 10 percent increase on cigarette tax will contribute five percent of Jakarta PAD revenue target," he told. Enditem
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