烟草在线据《焦点新闻外的俄罗斯》报道编译 国际烟草营销服务(MUMT,英美烟草公司的产品在俄罗斯的一家贸易商),去年4月寻求推翻主要纳税人区域间检查做出的一项决定。
British American Tobacco in Russia to Pay Extra Taxes
International Tobacco Marketing Services (MUMT, a trader of British American Tobacco products in Russia) sought last April to reverse a decision made by an interregional inspection of major taxpayers.
The tax inspection had insisted that the trader pay an additional 187.9 million rubles ($6.26 million) in profit taxes, penalties and fines.
The inspection believes that the company had no grounds to include its expenses under contracts for "strategic and ancillary consulting services" with British BAT Investments Ltd when calculating income tax.
The tax agency wondered why the cost of consulting services had risen 25 times in 2008 to 2.2 billion rubles (around $70 million).
During an audit in 2011, the company failed to produce documents confirming the amount of services procured in 2009, and the inspection ruled that the taxpayer acted with no business purpose and aimed at obtaining undue tax benefits.
The company objected, saying that in 2009 it expanded the list of offered services. Further, the cost of consulting services included several tobacco factories.
The first court backed the company, but the trader lost the case in the second and third courts (the appeals court issued its ruling in March 2013).
笃行致远 2024中国烟草行业发展观察