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2012年09月18日 来源:烟草在线据烟草世界报道编译 作者:
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  烟草在线据烟草世界报道编译  参与在美国的跨太平洋自由贸易谈判的代表警告说,如果他们同意允许公司在国际法庭上起诉政府的话,他们的国家最终可能会像澳大利亚一样。












US: Big Tobacco Prevention in Free Trade Talks

  Delegates participating in the trans-Pacific free trade negotiations in the U.S. are warning their country could end up like Australia, if they agree to allow corporations to sue the government in international courts.

  Australia is fending off a challenge to his just laws cigarette packs of Philip Morris International in accordance with the terms of the investment agreement obscure Hong Kong, while Philip Morris has lost his case against Australia in the Supreme Court.

  "Perseverance Philip Morris Company Investor event of a dispute settlement procedure of the state shows such a threat to democratically enacted law and national judicial decisions," said Australia Patricia Ranald stakeholder’s forum at the talks in Leesburg, Virginia.

  The United States insists on the so-called investor state dispute settlement (SDS) position in partnership Trans Pacific, although he does not have them in their existing free trade agreement with Australia and even Australia, said that he would not sign a deal that includes them.

  Trans-Pacific Partnership will include Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the U.S. and Vietnam, many of whom already have in their agreements with the provisions of the United States, which allow corporations to sue government In supranational forums.

  Philip Morris International has moved the head office of its Australian subsidiary in Hong Kong shortly before the start of action against Australia in accordance with the terms of Hong Kong is that Dr Ranald said was the jurisdiction of the stores.

  "Philip Morris International has described himself as an American company, when she made a presentation to the 2010 U.S. Trade Representative maintain investor state dispute settlement process in the trans-Pacific partnership."

  "However, he claimed that the Swiss company, when it is used investor state dispute settlement process to sue the Uruguayan government for the damage under the Uruguay-Swiss investment treaty when Uruguay introduced laws restricting tobacco advertising.

  "Philip Morris may also qualify for a Hong Kong company, because Philip Morris Asia, including Hong Kong, invested in Australia, becoming the sole shareholder of Philip Morris (Australia) after the Australian government announcement of its intention to legislate for plain packaging of tobacco."

  To host the Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network Sydney University academic said no problem on the forum Australia showed none of the eleven countries negotiating the contract must agree to provisions that allow corporations to sue them additional scale.

  Sean Donnelly of the U.S. Council for International Business told the forum investor state dispute settlement procedures did no more than provide international investors with access to the rule of law.

  He said the business would like more protection, but believes that the U.S. was proposing strict right balance. Enditem


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